• Simplicity

    Why we should have a garden

    How many times have I written and rewritten this article…so now, hopefully, this version will be finally sufficient. I spend as much time as possible in nature every day. It helps clear the mind of unpleasant thoughts, and it gives energy. But I perceive a difference between being in the wild nature and one’s own garden. The mountain we live…

  • Simplicity

    Slow living in the Italian way

    When people talk about slow living, I imagine being in a Scandinavian hygge simple minimalist house in the middle of the woods, where I sip coffee while writing down my thoughts and emotions, lifting my head and looking out the window at the landscape where it is snowing and a bird flies by. Chopin’s nocturnes playing in the background.  Let’s…

  • Art

    My artistic journey

    I wanted to write a few lines about my artistic journey. How I drew constantly as a child, illustrated my short stories during the summer vacations, created 2 comic books during my illness when I was 10, painted with artists in studios, or how I went to art college studios without being accepted to study (that was the best thing…

  • Simplicity

    Simple living in a modern context

    My life is leading me to a place where simplicity is a core value. I was really tired of everything being so complicated. I believed that I had a complicated nature and therefore a complicated life. But what really happened was that I resisted the flow of life and I tried to forcibly direct it somewhere I thought was better.…

  • Inspiration

    Can the moon help us to live in balance?

    Life in a symphony with moon phases What do you feel when you look up at the night sky? I feel immense amazement at the beauty. Especially if it’s a full moon and its white light illuminates the dark blue clouds around it. Aren’t the “most ordinary” things the most beautiful ones? Those that we can see every day, and…

  • About me

    Some notes about me

    In the next paragraph, I will briefly summarize who I am (or think I am) and what this blog is about. This is for those who do not have time to read :-). For others, I wrote the next lines below. My name is Aneta Gibbs, I was born in the 90s’ in the Czech Republic (now called Czechia). When…