“.. and I often return in my thoughts and dreams to that one place in my grandmother’s garden. And I almost constantly look for harmony in my life..”


Simple life or simple living for me is returning to our own roots. And it doesn’t mean returning in the sense of going back. It means that we go where we feel good. It’s more about the development of our well-being than the growth of our wealth, numbers in the bank account, or fame. I’m sure that the more stuff we have (in our heads or/and around us) more complicated and stressful our lives are. Discover with me the beauty of simplicity.


I take notes about everything that inspires me. There is something inside of me that wants me to know things in depth and so I constantly study and learn about new things. The more I learn more I understand that there is so much more to know – it’s like the layers of the onion. Writing down my inspirations helps me to understand things in a broader context. Let’s get inspired together!


Art has always been a big part of my life. I’ve been drawing since I knew how to hold a pencil in my hand. Same for writing. I was lying in the books imagining the characters and their stories and I loved to write and illustrate mine. For a long time, my art reflected my inner world. Now I like to create something that can make the outside world nicer. For this, I draw only when I feel happy. Can art heal the soul? I’m sure it can!

Copyright © 2023 The soil notes. by Aneta Gibbs